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  杨·南曼奇在捷克新浪潮的地位,类似于雷奈在法国新浪潮一样。这是他的第一部剧情长片,描绘两个犹太男孩在被送往死亡集中营的途中,从火车上逃脱,被迫在乡野展开挣扎,艰难地求生存的故事,看似具备写实的基础,却被混合了幻想的影像,以及自由跳跃的叙事所重组。《夜之钻》(Night in the Woods)是由美国游戏开发工作室Infinite Fall制作并发行的冒险类游戏。游戏于2017年2月21日发售,支持多平台,包括Windows、macOS、Linux、PlayStation 4、Xbox One和Nintendo Switch等。《夜之钻》的背景设定在一个名为Possum Springs的小镇,玩家将扮演一只名叫Mae的猫咪,回到家乡重新开始她的生活。随着游戏的进行,玩家将会发现这个小镇的许多神秘事件,并结识到各种各样的角色。游戏的故事涉及到许多主题,如人际关系、家庭、生活的不确定性、社会问题等,通过深入的故事和多样的角色,呈现出一个丰富而真实的世界。游戏的玩法主要是探索和互动,玩家需要与其他角色交谈、探索小镇、参加活动和完成任务等。游戏的画风独特,采用了手绘的2D图像和动态的背景音乐,给人一种柔和而舒适的感觉。游戏还提供了分支故事线和多个结局,取决于玩家的选择和行动。除了故事模式外,游戏还提供了一些小游戏,如鱼钓、吉他演奏等,玩家可以在探索小镇的同时体验不同的玩法。总的来说,《夜之钻》是一款非常独特的游戏,它结合了深入的故事、有趣的角色和美妙的音乐,让人感受到真实而温暖的情感。游戏并没有采用传统的游戏机制,而是通过探索和互动的方式,引导玩家深入理解和感受游戏中的世界。
捷克某小镇,一年一度的消防员舞会再次到来。今年的舞会有项特别的内容,患有癌症的老局长(Jan Vostrcil 饰)即将迎来86岁大寿,消防队里这群老同志们决定为局长办一个大型派对,并颁发一柄金斧以表彰他一生作出的贡献。  舞会内容倒也充实、抽奖、颁奖、聚餐、舞蹈,甚至还别出心裁安排了选美环节。可是事与愿违,这些环节却从没按计划进行。颁发的礼品不断被人偷走,年轻姑娘们也不愿抛投露面参加选美。场面混乱之际,一场大火也来凑凑热闹……  本片为导演米洛斯•福曼离开捷克前最后的一部作品。
As its title suggests THE FABULOUS WORLD OF JULES VERNE is an awe -inspiring, meticulous cinematic rendering of the aesthetic and conceptual inventions of proto-science fiction genius Jules Verne, based on one of the famed author's lesser known short stories. However, the real star of the film is the intricate art direction, successfully rendering the visual style of nineteenth century woodcuts and engravings into motion pictures, creating a stylized and surreal graphic world within which Verne’s fanciful tale unfolds. A brilliant scientist, Dr. Roche, perches high above a stormy sea, inventing a powerful explosive, when he and his assistant are kidnapped by an evil businessman, Artigas. Taken by submarine to Artigas' volcano headquarters, Roche is tricked into developing his experiment for evil intentions. The scientist’s assistant, Simon, struggles all the while to free himself and warn Roche. A magical world of baroque submarines and sailing ships, killer octopus, undersea bicycles dazzles audiences as human actors, puppetry, animation and fanciful scenic design interact to create a cinematic experience that is unique by any standards. Mixing slapstick comedy, action adventure pacing and Mélies style film magic, this little known Czechoslovakian gem transcends the juvenile literature at its source to create cinematic art of the highest order....
In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, an old man, to leave. When they arrive, he appears to be preparing to leave, but it soon becomes evident that the man has no intention of going to live with his children, and intends to stay in the house. At first, they find his presence unbearable, but when he must go to the hospital, they begin to realize that they care for the feisty old gentleman.  ~ Clarke Fountain, All Movie Guide