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After breaking out of a rehabilitation zoo, Frankie, a squirrel with all the angles, returns to his forest. He learns from his dim-witted best friend, Cody, a porcupine and street-con, that while he was in lock-up, the entire forest was picked clean by The A.C.O.R.N.S. Institute (Alternative Cosmetic Oils for Regenerative Natural Skin-care). No acorn was left behind. With winter just around the corner, it's a potentially devastating blow to all forest critters. So, Frankie has no choice but to bust into the brand new, state-of-the-art, rodent-proof A.C.O.R.N.S. Processing Plant and take back all of the acorns! Though a seemingly impossible heist, success would not only save the lives of his forest friends, but it would also give Frankie a chance to win back the love of his life, Lola, a local show squirrel. Sadly, Lola has been burnt by too many of Frankie's false promises in the past. With the support of Frankie's old mentor, Mr. Bellwood, a wealthy badger, Frankie and Cody assemble a team of top notch crackers from all over the forest, including a bat named Fly Boy, a top notch munitions expert; Raitch, a computer hacking albino snake, who never allows her lack of appendages to get in the way; Edsy a tiny family frog, whose ability to freeze himself solid for days on end without harm is invaluable; a germophobic French rat named Liam, who can collapse his skeleton to get into any space; Chinese father-daughter pangolins named Pango and Lin, the best diggers in the forest; and Bellwood's hedgehog butler, Oscar who knows how to get his hands on anything the crew needs. With winter knocking at their door, Frankie and his crew have only three days to prepare and execute this unprecedented heist. When they learn that the processing of their forest's acorns has been pushed up a day, Lola's refusal to participate leaves Frankie and his crew one critter short. With everything on the line, Frankie and his crew of Animal Crackerz set out to pull off the biggest heist in animal history!
奄奄一息的维克多.弗兰肯斯坦(肯尼思·布拉纳 Kenneth Branagh 饰)被北极探险船救起,他告诉了船长沃尔顿(艾丹·奎因 Aidan Quinn 饰)一个令人难以置信的故事。年轻的维克多与父母收养的妹妹伊丽莎白(海伦娜·邦汉·卡特 Helena Bonham Carter 饰)生活在一起,一次他偷取了一本使死人复活试验的医学笔记,并用偷来的尸体创造出了一个全新的生命“创造物”(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)。可是“创造物”并不乐意这样生活,他逃走了企图开始新生,但是他失败了,经历了种种羞辱后他恨透了维克多。在维克多准备与伊丽莎白结婚时,“创造物”回来了,他残忍的杀死了新娘。悲痛欲绝的维克多故技重施,用伊丽莎白的尸体创造了一个再生人,“创造物”认为再生的新娘与自己是一样的,企图占有她,再生新娘以死相抗最后引火自焚。失去一切的维克多抛下一切追逐“创造物”,一直来到北极圈……
罗曼·波兰斯基将执导新片[瑞士华庭](The Palace,暂译)。波兰斯基与波兰名导杰兹·斯科利莫夫斯基共同执笔剧本,故事设定在1999年的最后一天跨年夜,描绘了位于瑞士阿尔卑斯山的大酒店里,来宾和为他们工作的人们之间的生活交集。影片将是波兰斯基对千禧年的一个结语。影片预计于今年秋季在瑞士开拍。