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In the Seventeenth Century, in England, the naive and pure Caroline invites her cousin and best friend Barbara Worth to come from London and stay with her a couple of days before her wedding with her beloved bridegroom, the wealthy magistrate Sir Ralph Skelton. The selfish, evil and wicked Barbara uses her beauty and seduces the weak Ralph, who falls in love for her. Caroline calls off the wedding and Barbara marries Ralph. When Barbara loses a jewel inherited from her mother gambling with Lady Henrietta Kingsolver, she pretends to be the famous highway thief Captain Jerry Jackson, recovers her jewels and begins a career of crime, looking for excitement stealing travelers in stagecoaches. When she meets the real Jerry Jackson on the road, she becomes her passionate lover and also a killer. Meanwhile Ralph realizes that he loves Caroline, but it seems to be too late for their life together...
  亨利五世(劳伦斯·奥利弗 Laurence Olivier 饰)在登基之前是一个不学无术的花花公子,然而,坐上王位之后,亨利五世摇身一变成为了一位贤明的君主,他不仅善待子民,精于朝政,还发誓一定要夺回法兰西王位的继承权,正式向法国宣战。  在精心准备战斗的过程中,亨利五世发现自己的队伍中出了三个叛徒,为了警示众人杀鸡儆猴,亨利五世对这三人处以了极刑。战争开始后,虽然英军节节败退,但亨利五世并没有放弃希望,而是以士兵的身份四处劳军,巩固军心,最终依靠着强大的凝结力取得了最终的胜利。亨利五世不仅夺回了国土,海报的了美人归。