搜索"慕谧.萍顿.潘尼西曼" ,找到 部影视作品

提婆是一个坠落人间的天使。 由于天堂人口骤减,所以他来到人间查询为什么越来越多的人上不了天堂。其他的天使都劝他不要对人类有所希冀,可他仍对人类有信心。艾德是一个以自我为中心的记者。由于他负责的节目收视率下降,他被迫去犯罪前线采访,以提升收视率。 艾德在犯罪现场认识了提婆,也获知了提婆的真实身份及意图。艾德让他住在自己家里。他们达成共识,如果提婆帮助爱德破解案件真相、获取独家新闻,艾德就会帮助提婆保守秘密,并且帮他完成他的任务以便早日回归天堂。
The story of the relationship between the King who is renown for his ruthlessness and his subject who became his trusted steersman. They met when the King decided to disguise himself as commoner to see how his subject was doing. He befriend a commoner after a fight to decide who should win the girl's hand. They become blood brother and the commoner was assigned to be his steersman. When there was an assassination attempt at the King, the steersman tried to evade the threat and cause the boat to run aground with death penalty. It's time to see if the friendship is stronger than the rule of law that the King must have absolute authority over the life of his subject regardless of their personal relationship.