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原钻 Uncut Gems[电影解说]
影片讲述了一位纽约钻石店老板Howard Ratner(亚当·桑德勒 饰),他嗜赌成瘾,婚姻岌岌可危,还有一个对他不忠的女友(茱莉娅·福克斯 饰)。Howard Ratner欠Arno(埃里克·博高森 饰)钱,而打手们也一直威胁着让他还钱。当他买了一块价值数百万美元的稀有的未切割埃塞俄比亚蛋白原石,他觉得自己的霉运会就此终结。这块原石本来是打算拿去拍卖的,但当波士顿凯尔特人超级球星凯文·加内特走进宝石店,希望借走这块石头——它可以给他在NBA总决赛上带来好运——的时候,事态也就越发复杂了起来。
7 out of 7 people found the following comment useful-  A Sadly Forgotten Gem, 14 October 1999  Author minstrel  This movie is one of the best films the great Italian director, Ettore Scola has ever made. It also has a fantastic cast, all doing a great job, but, is seems the late Massimo Troisi does outshine them all, with a stunning performance as Pulcinella, a Sancho Panza sort of clown. This fantasy, dream-like tale, is based on the famous book by the same name by Théophile Gautier, the French author. This is actually the 5th movie adaptation of this novel, which must tell you something about its force to attract generations of film makers.  Vincent Pérez plays Baron of Sigognac, a young royal, whose quest for material wealth brings him true love and revelations on the nature of this world. The plot themes are somewhat related to Stoppard's excellent Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead - both uses the traveling players to explore the nature of the human condition. One might also recall Bergman's Seventh Seal, but Fracassa is more akin of Stoppard's light hearted, witty, approach to those grave subjects.  A truly exceptional, beautiful and entertaining film, a long standing achievement for all involved, surely better than Il Postino, though, sadly, much less known. Surely overdue for re-release
维多利亚时代的英国小镇莱姆,年轻的绅士查尔斯(杰里米艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons 饰)在海边的悬崖上邂逅了一个神秘黑衣女子(梅丽尔斯特里普 Meryl Streep 饰)。听当地人说,黑衣女子名叫萨拉,因为曾与一名法国中尉有染,所以遭众人非议,被称为“法国中尉的女人”。不过,查尔斯却对这位遗世独立的女人颇感兴趣,尽管他已经有了一个贤淑的未婚妻,并拟定了婚期,但他还是抑制不住萨拉的诱惑。两个人在几次试探后,终于开始幽会。萨拉对查尔斯讲述了她的遭遇和经历,但这一幕却被他人窥视,于是偷偷摸摸的私情面临公诸于众的危机……  无独有偶,这段故事被改编成了同名电影,女主角萨拉的扮演者安娜与男主角查尔斯的扮演者迈克,也给戏中人一样,保持着若即若离的情人关系,只是结局却出人意料……