搜索"亜沙美" ,找到 部影视作品

少女叶子(水沢奈子 饰)自幼便失去了父母,在孤儿院中长大。成人之后,叶子决定寻找自己的亲生父母,并得知他们目前生活在南条公馆之中。叶子和老师诚也(堀部圭亮 饰)一起踏上了前往公馆的旅途,因为恶劣的天气,叶子被获准在公馆里居住一夜,天亮后,叶子第一次看到了自己的父亲南条敬三(野口五郎 饰)。  父女团聚让叶子和敬三的内心里充满了喜悦,然而,叶子亦悲哀的得知,自己的母亲夕子(浅野温子 饰)因为早年的一场意外失去了理智,变为疯妇。叶子离开了孤儿院住进了公馆里,然而,之后发生的种种诡异事件让叶子开始怀疑在这间公馆中,隐藏着不为人知的秘密。
【Based on comic books】The Cream Lemon Video Series based on the popular manga of the same title, focusing on the forbidden love between brothers and sisters. 1st Title Please tell me…am I a bad girlOn her 18th birthday, Ami decides to meet her estranged father and brother. While searching for her father's house, Ami is assaulted by thugs and is saved by Hiroshi who happened to be passing by. Hiroshi takes Ami back to his house to care for her wounds. They’ve never met, but they feel a profound affinity. Then, they kiss. However, when Hiroshi's father gets home, they discover a devastating fact that they are siblings. Controlling their desires, Ami and Hiroshi live with their father. Meanwhile, Ami finds herself being rude to Hiroshi's girlfriend, Madoka and Hiroshi try to settle this predicament amicably.....