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A young nurse begins her shift at an old city hospital. After a strange apparition one of the oldest nurse tells her that a patient, Mr. Moore, entered the hospital a few years ago. His body was completely burned after a fire. Mr. Moore was operated urgently by the doctors. But no one wanted to assist him. The pain and drugs had driven him mad - One night one of the nurses went to his room but his bed was empty. Nothing was heard from him anymore. A bell interrupts the story. The call comes from Mr. Moore's room.
一部由Alejandro Marzoa执导的喜剧电影。电影讲述了两个男人从穷变富的故事。两个男人一起钓鱼,可时间不短流逝鱼却一直不上钩,无奈之下两人去了鱼市,购买了最大的那条鱼。其中一个男人带着鱼回到家,她的妻子为家人准备了丰盛的菜肴,一家人其乐融融,而此时妻子的爸爸终于说出了他一直想说的话很明显,我的女儿跟了你这样的男人非常不幸,你甚至不能支付孩子去马略卡岛旅行的费用,你简直一无是处……
“二战”时期,盟军要实施安奇奥登陆计划,迫于对一门叫安奇奥大炮的超级武器的忌惮,要派两个精锐特工去摧毁这门大炮,结果两个傻逼被派了去,最后经过一连串搞笑事件,阴差阳错的最后完成了任务。  片段一:德国人在北非布置了一个陷阱,准备了一幅假的防御工事地图让这二个士兵带回去。他们却阴差阳错的拿走了真的地图,最终赢得了战役。  片段二:他们化装成管道工潜入德军在意大利的司令部,给他们卫生间的管道修得乱七八糟,把将军淋了个落汤鸡。将军去换衣服,拉开抽屉发现一套新的军服,于是洗头洗脸准备换上新军服的时候闭着眼把脸盆里的脏水倒进抽屉里了(柜子旁边有一个废水桶)。那个将军是最主要的一个配角,很有意思。到影片结束前1分钟,都没有一句台词。最后说了一句“谢谢”。  片段三:德军有一门超级大炮俯视着联军将要登陆的海滩。这二个士兵居然化装成希特勒和随从,去视察大炮,把大炮炸掉了。  In May 1943, two American soldiers, Joe and Frank, of Italian descent are searching the North African desert for a German general called Von Kassler, when they are captured by Von Kassler aide Inge Schultze who lets them escape with fake war plans, only Joe and Frank steal the real war plans which pave way for the Allied victory. Months later, the duo once again come up against Von Kassler when they are captured at Anzio and try to outwit the Nazis a second time
An intimate look at the lives of modern circus performers in and out of Cirque Du Soleil. The film follows the stories of several different performers and gives viewers an unprecedented look into their lives and art. A testament to the human spirit and the power of following your dreams it is also and homage to the grace and power of artists who use their bodies as their instruments. Filmed on location in 11 countries and in three languages by a Cirque Du Soleil insider this film transcends a behind the scenes look and creates a powerful and moving work of art.
When Cheryl and her roommate quarrel, Cheryl moves into her aunt's skid-row hotel in downtown L.A. rather than return home to Ohio. The lodgers are odd, Aunt Martha is a moralizer obsessed with funerals, murder is afoot, and the inexperienced and trusting Cheryl may be the next victim. She wants to be treated like a woman, and she's drawn to George, a handsome photographer who longs for human contact but sleeps with a water-inflated doll and spies on Cheryl as she bathes. Jeff, a neighborhood clerk, may be Cheryl's only ally in what she doesn't realize is a perilous residence haunted by family secrets. And, what happened to Alice, a model who used to have Cheryl's room